Following a company wide survey where you expressed disatisifcation, you've been promoted to run the ABS system - an operating system who's only purpose is to keep your CEO alive. 

Manage desktop space while keeping on top of the functions of the body. 

Completeing the tutorial is highly recommended:

Welcome Employee! Following on from a recent survey you stated you foundyour job<UNSATISFACTORY> and<FEELS LIKE I'M WASTING MY LIFE HERE>,

As such, we have decided to promote you to an exciting new position!,

As you know, our CEO Rupert Gunch is a pioneer of biomedical innovationAt 212 - he is fighting fit to this day all thanks to DELTA's ABS [Automated Biological System],

Well the automated is a bit of an exageration - but that's where you come inYou will be the automation - you must keep Rupert's systems in check and working and keep his INTEGRITY up,

Click START to see Rupert's stats, INTEGRITY is Rupert's health you will be fired if it reaches 0DATA represents the processing power of the ABS unit and can be used to upgrade,

CORRUPTED DATA is generated as byproduct of using DATA and can be filtered with the KIDNEY system back into DATA,

The ABS system is interconnected between several ORGAN APPLICATIONS as follows,

Fuel is generated in the STOMACH, which is used by the LUNGS to produce POWER, which in turn is used by the BRAIN for DATA and HEART to increase INTEGRITY,

Got all that?  Well don't worry - just keep Rupert alive and deal with any Alerts as they come,

This is an ORGAN app - it can be moved by clicking the top of the window and dragging, unfortunately due to budget constraints we can't give you a larger screen so this is KEY,

The 2 buttons at the bottom represent ALERT and EVENT, an ALERT is shown when the window flashes green. Simply click the GREEN button to generate resources and clear the alert,

EVENTS are a different beast - when a window flashes, each ORGAN needs to be dealt with in a unique way,

HEART - Cardiac ArrestTo inititate resuscitation click the RED button to open the defib app. When the selector is over the middle node click the GREEN button again to restart the heart ,

STOMACH - Food PoisoningRupert likes EXOTIC food which often upsets his delicately perfected biosphere. As such you will need to purge his stomach, when the window flashes red SHAKE the window with the mouse and click the RED button when status changes to VOMIT,

KIDNEY - Kidney InfectionWhen the window flashes red, click on the VIRUS icons to clear the infection, when all viruses are removed click the RED button to flush the toxins,

LUNGS - Flem Buildup As an avid smoker the side effects include build up of flem - when this happens click the RED button and MASH the GREEN button to cough up,

That's it for functions, the system is still in development and as you build up data you unlock upgrades via the brain,

Click a section of the brain to open up the upgrade menu,

Select an upgrade by clicking the corresponding then click the GREEN button to buyA brief description appears in the bottom left,

That's it all set - Good luck this is your LIFE now.

Made for Major Jam 6 


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(1 edit) (+1)

This was super stressful but in a fun way! I think the artwork is great - colours are super pleasing to me. 

It felt like there was enough to do to play around with and I could see myself improving in my response time. 

I did have a bit of a sticky cursor issue but that might just be my laptop. 

(1 edit) (+1)

OMG :0, this us a huge game, how on earth did you make this in 7 days. I love the art so much :D